Doki doki literature club secret poems
Doki doki literature club secret poems

doki doki literature club secret poems

  • Passion, Peaceful, Pain, Party, Play, Prayer, Precious, Promise.
  • Marriage, Memories, Music, Misery, Misfortune.
  • doki doki literature club secret poems

  • Happiness, Hope, Holiday, Heart, Hopeless, Hurt.
  • Family, Friends, Fireworks, Fear, Feather, Fireflies, Flower, Flying, Forgive, Fun.
  • Embrace, Excitement, Extraordinary, Empty.
  • doki doki literature club secret poems

  • Dance, Dark, Daydream, Dazzle, Death, Defeat, Depression.
  • Comfort, Calm, Color, Charm, Cheer, Childhood, Clumsy, Cry.
  • If multiple of Sayori's top words appear, players may choose between them at their own liberty. However, for players who don't want to rely on guesswork, Sayori's most appealing words will also be listed plainly below. A good rule of thumb is to look for words one might find in an emotional romance novel. Her word choices aren't as brooding and intellectual as Yuri's and they aren't as basely cute as Natsuki's, but they often have some romantic connotations to them. In the case of Sayori, she prefers words with bittersweet implications. This is why it is important to understand which words appeal the most to which character. This means that a character's 3 point word must be chosen for at least 15 out of 20 total choices. In order to write a perfect poem and have one of the girls favor the player, 45 or more brownie points have to be earned with a specific character. Every chosen word will earn at least 1 point with each character, but when certain words are selected, the mini representations of the game’s characters may jump up and down excitedly, letting the player know they earned the most points with that character. When players begin creating their first poem, it may seem as though the words on the page are random, but in fact they are not. Each word word on the page is worth between 1 and 3 "brownie points" which indicates how much each character favors each word. How to Write a Perfect Poem For Sayori in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus For those who are set on impressing Sayori, stay tuned to learn exactly which words to select. The player's word choice in these minigames will have little to no effect on Monika. However, it is important to note that the only members able to be swayed by the poems are Yuri, Sayori, and Natsuki. While some players may enjoy intuitively selecting the words which appeal to them, it is understandable that other players may intend to impress one member in particular. When playing Doki Doki Literature Club Plus, players are bound to run into these poem-creating minigames, which are actually perfect opportunities to gain the favor of specific club members. Related: Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! Review: Poetry In Motion Once exclusive to PC, this remaster brings the game to consoles, allowing even more players to experience the subversive indie horror. With the release of Doki Doki Literature Club Plus, the classic psychological horror experience is back with new features, art, and side stories.

    Doki doki literature club secret poems